Building a digital eco-system for access to Information, Services and Investment Opportunities in Sierra Leone
Be first to get critical news and updates
Our members also get access to special services.
Business Directory
We are building more than just a Listing of Businesses. Our Directory is a showcasing and promoting of local businesses.
Business News
Carefully curated business news and updates on Government, changes in law and other economic activity
Country Information
Updated facts, figures about Sierra Leone, it’s people, culture, customs and other interesting bits you might like to know.
Passport & Travel Service
We offer extensive passport and visa services & provide comprehensive information on international travel into and out of Sierra Leone.
Business Opportunity
Sierra Leone opens up a world of highly lucrative opportunities and exciting possibilities at a time of social and cultural rebirth. Get critical Information
A Valued Partner

Salone Makit
The Best of Our Local Content
Sierra Leone in the local parlance is Salone and Makit is the Market. Salone Makit is the hub for connecting with local producers of all goods, made or grown locally.
New to Sierra Leone?
Check out our listings of some of the hottest spots to make your stay memorable.

Mobilising the Sierra Leonean diaspora to return or engage in nation building, requires establishing critical structures and facilities that provide access to accurate, relevant information to help with decision making. Our Team at E-Sierra Leone is committed to contributing to this. Together we can build an eco-system that ensures easy access to all the services you need.
As we build we will count on your support by providing feedback we need to make this better.

Travelling to Sierra Leone
Find all up to date information on all flights in and out of Sierra Leone as well as country specific travel notices.
Looking to do business in Sierra Leone? Find a registered business in Sierra Leone.
Registered members can also access bids and contract notices

Business Directory

Travel Assistance
Experience Sierra Leonean hospitality at it’s best. Need help with booking a hotel, guest house or other, Airport pickup, passport or visa services, etc, we have you covered.
EXPLORE Sierra Leone
Experience Sierra Leone through its sights and sounds.
Visit exotic locations, enjoy the beauty of the landscape, the richness of the rainforests and appreciate the harmony amongst the people.